


主要负责 能源经济与环境政策研究所,博士生导师


李起铨,台湾政治大学金融学博士,能源经济与环境政策研究所,副教授、博士生导师、四川省天府峨眉计划特聘专家、我校光华百人计划人选,目前已在Energy Economics, Energy, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Futures MarketsSSCI期刊发表论文50余篇,其中ESI高被引论文3篇,热点论文4篇。




2022-迄今 suncitygroup太阳新城   副教授

2019-2021 我校发展研究院   副教授

2018-2029 北京师范大学珠海分校suncitygroup太阳新城   副教授

2014-2018 北京师范大学珠海分校suncitygroup太阳新城   讲师





[1] Lee, C.C., Li, X., Yu, C.H., Zhao, J.* (2022), The contribution of climate finance towards environmental sustainability: New global evidence. Energy Economics, 111, 106072.

[2] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* (2022). How does green finance affect green total factor productivity? Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 107, 105863. (ESI热点论文、高被引论文)

[3] Lee, C.C., Xing, W., Lee, C.C.* (2022). The impact of energy security on income inequality: The key role of economic development. Energy, 248, 123564. (ESI热点论文、高被引论文)

[4] Wu, Y., Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Peng, D. (2022), “Geographic proximity and corporate investment efficiency: Evidence from high-speed rail construction in China,” Journal of Banking & Finance, 140, 106510. (ESI热点论文、高被引论文)

[5] Zhao, J., Li, X., Yu, C.H., Chen, S., Lee, C.C.* (2022). Riding the FinTech Innovation Wave: FinTech, Patents and Bank Performance. Journal of International Money and Finance, 122, 102552.

[6] Peng, W., Lee, C.C.*, Xiong, K. (2022). What shapes the impact of environmental regulation on energy intensity? New evidence from enterprise investment behavior in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29:35, 53364-53381. (ESI高被引论文)

[7] Lee, C.C., Li, X., Yu, C.H., Zhao, J.* (2021). Does Fintech Innovation Improve Bank Efficiency? Evidence from China’s Banking Industry. International Review of Economics and Finance, 74, 468-483.

[8] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Li, Y.Y. (2021). Oil price shocks, geopolitical risks, and green bond market dynamics. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 55, 101309. (ESI热点论文、高被引论文)

[9] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C., Xiao, S. (2021). Policy-related risk and corporate financing behavior: Evidence from China’s listed companies. Economic Modelling, 94, 539-547. (ESI高被引论文)

[10] Lee, C.C., Ranjbar, O., Lee, C.C.* (2021). Testing the persistence of shocks to the renewable energy consumption: Evidence from a quantile unit-root test with smooth breaks. Energy, 215, 119190.

[11] Peng, W., Lee, C.C.*, Xiong, K. (2021). What determines the subsidy decision bias of local governments? An enterprise heterogeneity perspective. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57:4, 1215-1231.

[12] Huang, B.N., Lee, C.C., Chang, Y.F., Lee, C.C.* (2021). Dynamic linkage between oil prices and exchange rates: New global evidence. Empirical Economics, 61, 719-742.

[13] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Lien, D. (2020). Income inequality, globalization, and country risk: A cross-country analysis. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26:2, 379-404.

[14] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* (2020). Insurance activity, real output and geopolitical risk: Fresh evidence from the BRICS. Economic Modelling, 92, 207-215.

[15] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* (2019). Oil price shocks and Chinese banking performance: Do country risks matter? Energy Economics, 77, 46-53. (ESI高被引论文)

[16] Lee, C.C.*, Huang, T.H. (2019). What causes the efficiency and the technology gap under different ownership structures in the Chinese banking industry? Contemporary Economic Policy, 37:2, 332-348.

[17] Lee, C.C, Lee, C.C., Lien, D.* (2019). Do country risk and financial uncertainty matter for energy commodity futures? Journal of Futures Markets, 39:3, 366-383. (Top Cited Article 2019-2020 in Journal of Futures Markets)

[18] Hatemi-J, A., Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Rangan G. (2019). Insurance activity and economic performance: Fresh evidence from asymmetric panel causality tests. International Finance, 22:2, 221-240. (Top Cited Article 2019-2020 in International Finance)

[19] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* (2018). The impact of country risk on income inequality: A multilevel analysis. Social Indicators Research, 136:1, 139-162.

[20] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Ning, S.L. (2017). Dynamic relationship of oil price shocks and country risks. Energy Economics, 66, 571-581.

[21] Lee, C.C.*, Huang, T.H. (2017). Cost efficiency and technological gap in Western European Banks: A stochastic metafrontier analysis. International Review of Economics and Finance, 48, 161-178.

[22] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Chiou, Y.Y. (2017). Insurance activities, globalization, and economic growth: New methods, new evidence,” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 51, 155-170.

[23] Lee, C.C.*, Lee, C.C., Zeng, J.H., Hsu, Y.L. (2017). Peer bank behavior, economic policy uncertainty, and leverage decision of financial institutions. Journal of Financial Stability, 30, 79-91.

[24] Lee, C.C.*, Huang, T.H. (2016). Productivity changes in pre-crisis Western European banks: Does scale effect really matter? North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 36, 29-48.

[25] Lee, C.C., Chang, C.H., Arouri, M., Lee, C.C.* (2016). Economic growth and insurance development: The role of institutional environments. Economic Modelling, 59, 361-369.

[26] Chen, P.F., Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Huang, J.X. (2016). A dynamic analysis of exchange rate exposure: The impact of China's renminbi. The World Economy, 39:1, 132-157.

[27] Liu, G.C., Lee, C.C.*, Lee, C.C. (2016). The nexus between insurance activity and economic growth: A bootstrap rolling window approach. International Review of Economics & Finance, 43, 299-319.

[28] Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.*, Chiu, Y.Y. (2013). The link between life insurance activities and economic growth: Some new evidence. Journal of International Money and Finance, 32:1, 405-427.

[29] Shen, C.H., Lee, C.C.*, Lee, C.C. (2010). What makes international capital flows promote economic growth? An international cross-country analysis. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 57:5, 515-546.

[30] Hsu, Y.C., Lee, C.C.*, Lee, C.C. (2008). Revisited: Are shocks to energy consumption permanent or temporary? New evidence from a panel SURADF approach. Energy Economics, 30:5, 2314-2330.


[1] 2021/01-2021/12,中央高校基本科研业务费年度培育项目“金融改革与银行发展——基于银行异质性视角的成本效率分析”,课题批准号:JBK2102019课题负责人,研究状态:结项。(优秀课题)

[2] 2020/01-2020/12,中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师成长项目项目“基于创新驱动与金融支持的经济增长效应研究”,课题批准号:JBK2001070课题负责人,研究状态:结项。

[3] 2018/06-2018/11,广东省财政厅财政科研自主参与课题“广东省地方财政宏观调控与收入不平等关系研究”,课题批准号:Z2018147课题负责人,研究状态:结项。

[4] 2016/01-2017/12,广东省重大研究项目青年创新人才类“企业动态能力的测量与绩效管理研究─基于中国银行业的实证分析”,课题批准号:2015WQNCX167课题负责人,研究状态:结项。(优秀课题)

[5] 2016/06-2017/03,广东省财政厅财政科研自主参与课题“广东省地方财政宏观调控与经济稳定增长关系研究”,课题批准号:Z201620课题负责人,研究状态:结项。

[6] 2015/10-2016/10,珠海市哲学社会科学“十二五”规划课题“珠海市财政收支与经济增长互动关系的实证研究”,课题批准号:2015YB011课题负责人,研究状态:结项。


[1] 2021.04 四川省天府峨眉计划青年人才

[2] 2019.07 我校光华百人计划入选者

[3] 2018.06 北京师范大学珠海分校第一届优秀青年教师奖

[4] 2017.10 广东省财政科学研究所科研成果三等奖

[5] 2017.06 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Economic Modelling

[6] 2017.06 第十四届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖(指导教师)

[7] 2017.06 北京师范大学珠海分校校级教学成果奖(第一参与人)

[8] 2017.06 北京师范大学珠海分校优秀毕业论文指导教师

[9] 2016.06 北京师范大学珠海分校优秀班主任

[10] 2015.05 北京师范大学珠海分校青年教师教学基本功大赛优秀奖


担任Asian Economics Letters领域编辑、Economic Analysis and Policy客座编辑、International Review of Economics & Finance客座编辑、Journal of Risk and Financial Management客座编辑、波兰国家自然科学基金评审专家,以及Energy Economic, Energy, Resources Policy, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Sustainable Development, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Journal of Asian Economics, Economic Analysis and Policy, Economic Modelling, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Empirical Finance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Financial Innovation, Accounting and Finance, European Journal of Finance, Venture Capital, International Review of Financial Analysis, International Review of Economics & Finance, Finance Research Letters, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Journal of Commodity Markets, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade等国际期刊论文审稿人。



